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The Secret 2 Success. 

For you to be successful in LIMU, you have to understand this concept of failing.  What you have in front of you is a business model to create health, wealth and good will. Does it work?  Of course it does!  Will it work for you? Well, that's up to you...this site is your road map, blue print, play book to build your LIMU business.  Leverage it, use it, have fun with it and know that because of our product, our fearless leader (Gary Raser), our system, that you can move forward with confidence knowing that what you have, for some, may be their only viable option for creating extra income, passive income, health and a better life!  This is why we say in the 7 Attitudes of LIMU, "Don't Stop".  Remember this, failure is your path to success!  In closing, know that we love you and will support you in every way possible. Enjoy your LIMU Experience.

We want to introduce you to a new concept.  The concept is failure.  Some people hate to fail.  They will avoid it at all costs.  Why is this?  Well, it produces a feeling that people don't like.  You know, that feeling in the pit of your stomach that says: this does not work, what will people think, what if they say "no".

Well, it is certainly understandable why people don't like to fail, but failure is part of life and is a very positive thing.  Failure is the only way you can succeed.  As a matter of fact, no one is good at anything coming out of the womb.  So what does this mean? This means that failure is your path to success!  So, if you want to have success in anything, you need to embrace failure it and do it as fast as you can.

Now, at this point you may be saying that we are crazy, right?  Well, if you look at history, the people that are willing to fail the most are the most successful. Here are a few examples:  Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he figured out how to make a light bulb.  Ted Williams failed 60% of the time to become the best hitter in professional baseball.  How many shots did Michael Jordan have to miss before he became the best basketball player of all time? We could go on...

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